more cards

I may  redo the wild fire drawing.surv21

Story telling

This article provides useful insight into the method of narrative story telling to gather information about an experience without directly experiencing it themselves. Designers need to be knowledgeable about various cultural differences and personal experiences of all types of  people. Because ethnography is time consuming and possibly expensive, narrative story telling is an effective means of gathering similar information. This method requires a person telling another person a particular experience. The leader directs the story telling by asking questions and a third person documents important aspects of the story. This research method may be done with many people in order to be compared later. Using a structure for organizing the information, patterns may become visible. This method can be useful to me in the future when I need to find out about a particular experience for which I am not knowledgeable of.1_storyboard_blanca_telling_aram_sara_briangiant-painted-on-blackboard

Hiv reading

The HIV article showed how communication can be hindered by not understanding the culture for which a design is being targeted for. The group in this article went about solving the cultural misunderstandings by incorporating the targeted audience into the design process. By holding design workshops by local Kenyans, and recieving input by the local people they produced HIV awareness ads that had the greatest impact. The lesson that was learned by using this methodology is that a designer can be most effective when they utilize there audience base into the design process instead of doing it all on there own intuition. This process will help ensure that the communication is relevent and understood by those that are suppost to see it.picture-2hiv_aids_posters_awareness

more survival cards


cultural probe

culturalprobeThe research strategy for their project was a clever way to gather data about the elderly people of those communities. The informal approach was more sincere than the typical marketing type questioniares. The materials used to gather the information provoked a more heartfelt response that allowed the elderly people to express themselves more freely. The data gathered included visual responses,which provide additional information which words can’t always depict. The material left enough room for the elderly people to express what they wanted but still gave them enough direction to get the specific data that was wanted. This article showed thoughtful analysis for effective information gathering which I will take into consideration for future projects I may be involved with.probe_pack

Mood board & 2 cards made

 These are the visual styles I’m interested in and 2 cards I have made alrsharkeady. These cards are part of a informational campaign that helps inform people on what should be done in various survival situations. These cards have an image on the front side and the backside will tell them what steps should be taken to avoid harm. Other deliverables will include a board game, web page, packaging for the cards and game, and possibly t-shirts. survmood1

term long project idea

1.    I have an idea for promoting local restuarants in Portland by creating visually interesting trading cards to promote them. On the back of the card it can have information of the place and what they offer. A large poster map of portland can be made identifying there locations. I need to think of a couple more possible deliverables still.

2.     Playing on the same idea of trading cards, creating a set of emergency survival cards that have a visual image on one side and directions on how to survive different situations will be on the back. T-shirts and a web site could be other deliverables.

fluxus movement

Fluxus was an social experiment  active in the 1960s that included artists, composers, and designers from the US, Europe, and Japan. This movement encouraged a do it yourself attitude and aesthetic that valued simplicity. It had similarities with Dada with a strong anti-commercialism and anti-art tendency. Fluxus  emphasised a positive social and communitarian aspiration. These artists usually worked with material at hand, creating their own work or collaborating in a creation process with others. They promoted living art, anti art, and non art reality, which could be grasped by all peoples and not just critics and professionals.

    There is the idea that art or music can be created by anyone, which was known as performable work. The audience was part of completing the art work. The artistic philosophy can be expressed  by 4 key points.

1.Fluxus is an atitude, not a movement or style.

2. Fluxus is intermedia, having different medias intersecting.

3. Fluxus works are simple.

4. Flexus is fun, using humor.364px-gmaciunas-manifesto




mood board inspiration


Harrell Fletcher interview


I found the interview interesting in how Fletcher has a mission to create art and projects that emphasis the lives and works of other people. It relates to our social practice project in that the audience becomes the focus and a participant in the event. Its a different way of thinking from the normal, where usually a single person and their works are the focus of an event. I found the large billboard paintings of average people in the local community being magnified to celebrity status one of the most interesting projects Fletcher was apart of. Comming up with an idea similar to this for the social practice project would be interesting to me.